Instant turf in Brisbane, delivered where you need it.
Choosing the right lawn for your project is vitally important. Lawn is an investment, and the value and long term health of your lawn relies on choosing one best suited to your intended use. We offer one of the largest ranges from top Australian growers.
Lawn Varieties
Instant lawn varieties all have very different qualities and attributes that make them suitable for different homes and lifestyles. Selecting a lawn suited to your needs and area is critical to your long term happiness with your choice. We have taken the confusion out of lawn selection by choosing the best performing varieties in our region (SEQ), which include TifTuf, Sir Walter Buffalo, Sir Grange, Empire Zoysia and more.
Sir Walter Buffalo is one of our more popular lawn varieties. Over 100 million metres have been sold around the country, making it Australia’s favourite lawn. Sir Walter was bred specifically for the tough Australian environment and is the perfect choice for any home. Great in the sun and the shade, Sir Walter will add that special finishing touch to your garden design.
TifTuf Bermuda is the product of almost 25-years of research and development from one of the world’s leading turf breeders. It’s a hybrid warm-season Bermuda grass that spreads by above-ground runners (stolons) and below ground rhizomes to form a lush-green turf. Great for anyone looking for a lawn that is drought-tolerant and wear resistant.
Empire Zoysia turf is another popular instant lawn variety, its striking dark green colour and soft touch make it a staff favourite. Empire Zoysia Turf is a superior turf due to its fine-to-medium soft leaf blades, low maintenance requirements, and low frequency of mowing and watering.